
At South Brookley, “worship is a verb”. It’s not something we passively “come to” or sit and observe, it is something we DO! All who follow Jesus are worshippers, and we want to give everyone who comes to our church a chance to do what God created them to do, which is to worship Him. Worship is also a lot more than just singing. At South Brookley, we strive to involve all five senses in worship by using the arts and creativity in our worship gatherings. We use a variety of music, prayer stations, communion, and other ways of involving visual, taste, scent and touch in worship and not just hearing. We also know that worship is not just confined to a church service – it is a way of life for followers of Jesus. We’d love to have you join us on this journey of learning to live as a worshipper!

Sunday Worship Schedule:

9:30 am – Traditional Worship
10:45 am – Sunday School for all ages
5:30 pm – Soul Café – a contemporary,
multi-ethnic worship experience
(2nd Sunday every month)

Wednesday Schedule:

2:00 pm – Afternoon Bible Study
5:00 pm – Supper
5:30 pm – Bible Study
6:30 pm – Choir Practice


8:45 am – Sunday School for all ages
10:00 am – Traditional worship