The stated mission of all United Methodist churches is “… to make disciples of Jesus Christ for the transformation of the world”.  At South Brookley, our congregational mission statement is: “As the Body of Christ, led by the Holy Spirit, we pledge to nurture each other and share our faith in Jesus Christ with the community and the world“. Jesus commanded His followers to “Go and make disciples of all nations, baptizing them in the name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit, and teaching them to obey everything I have commanded you.” (Matthew 28: 19-20). Somewhere along the way, we have had a tendency (in 21st century America, anyway) to think that the mission is to get people to come to our church building for Sunday worship. We desperately want to re-capture the original mission of Jesus at South Brookley by being a church that GOES into the world, and not just a church that people COME TO. Our church serves in our public schools, does work and service projects in our neighborhood, helps feed hungry people, fixes and repairs homes and yards for low-income residents, tutors elementary school children, and is always finding ways to go into our neighborhoods and schools to serve people’s needs and share with everyone the love of Jesus. We’re not just about “saving souls”, but sharing Christ (who cares out our bodies, our minds, our hearts AND our souls) with people of all ages, nations and races while we love them, serve them, and in so doing, change the world – one life at a time!