Adults come in all shapes and sizes – young adults, middle adults, seniors, couples, singles, parents, single parents, etc. While many other churches have separate functions for different kinds of adults, at South Brookley, we practice multi-generational adult ministry. We don’t separate “young” adults from senior adults, because there is so much that young adults can learn from senior adults – and vice versa! We don’t separate couples from singles and parents from non-parents because there is so much we have to to give and share with each other. Whatever is your “shape” or “size” as an adult, there is a place for you to plug in, get connected, grow in your faith, and make friendships that will last forever.
Opportunities for Growth:
Sunday School – Our adult Sunday School class meets on Sunday mornings at 9:45am and is time of Bible study and discussion for adults of all ages
Afternoon Bible Study – on Wednesday afternoons from 2-3pm. Afternoon Bible Study is open to adults of all ages,
and welcomes anyone who wants to drop in and study the Bible, learn from each other and grow.
Missional Community – A missional community is a group of adults that is “small enough to care, big enough to dare”. We meet regularly on Wednesday nights for supper at 5pm and then a time of Bible study, sharing and prayer from 5:30-6:30pm. Throughout the year, we also meet for times of fun (going to ballgames and eating out) with people outside our church that God has put in our lives, and projects of service (feeding the patients of a drug rehab clinic, doing a Homework Help Club for schoolkids in a trailer park) to our neighborhood and city.
Opportunities for Fun & Fellowship:
The YAHA’s (Young At Heart Adults) – Okay, some of us are actually young by age, but all of us are “young at heart” in that we like to get together periodically for silliness and fun. Whether it is for a dinner party, a ballgame, a bowling night or a Christmas party, we’re always down for a good time in Jesus’ name!
See the next section on Missions and Service for info on how adults can get involved in serving and making a difference!